New Year’s Resolution?

I was never the type to have a NYR due to the fact that I am a person who has no idea what to do in this life, unfortunately. Did not find my goal / purpose yet.

These last few days I considered making some goals and try as much as possible to stick to them. So here they are:

  1. No more fake friends – I am tired of being the only one to look for them and them be there only when they need me. I deserve some respect too.
  2. Take care of myself more
  3. Meditate more (as long as time permits me)
  4. Get a new DECENT job – basically one where you feel less like in a prison
  5. Get my first ever MacBook (air 2018) ❤ – this goal I intend to keep. Wish me luck!
  6. Get an electric scooter
  7. Learn more Tarot

I really hope I manage to achieve these goals. I know it is a lot, but I am sure some can easily be achieved as long as I want to 🙂

Happy New Year, guys. Hope next year brings more of what you need most!

2018 Goals?

Hi there reader,

I just thought I would sit down and type away my thoughts on what will 2018 bring for me.

Well, I have no idea. No one does really…. We set goals and, even though we succeed in doing some, we might not with others and issues and other goals interfere with our own goals. Not sure if it makes sense, but you got the point.

If you are a perfectionist then you probably will find a way to achieve all your goals. Me on the other hand….I can barely organize myself.

So I decided to stick with only 4 things this year:

  • Read more
  • Write and focus on one of my stories that I have been having in mind for quite some time
  • (Try to) eat healthier
  • Play World of Warcraft and try to finish all achievements 😀

Now, I have other goals in mind such as finish The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones but…… I am not sure how much those will happen.

At least one thing will happen: get a new phone 😀

I currently have an i6 and, even thought I still love it, it is time it goes since it became very, very laggy. S8 Plus here I come!

But all in their time.

What goes would you have for this year? Will you achieve them? Let me know if you have a pattern or order in which you achieve them.

Happy New Year, reader!

Hi there,


I wanted to wish you, reader, a Happy New Year and may all your wishes come true and all goals be reached.

I would like to read more, write more and focus on this blog, and to learn how to paint. Also to finish all TV shows I am currently watching: Lucifer, Shannara, The Walking dead and Fear TWD and to maybe start watching GoT.  But with the time I have, I doubt I will be able to do them all. But I can still try.

This year had its ups and downs, but hopefully 2018 will bring new opportunities and open doors. Maybe a new laptop on which to write :D. It has always been my absolute dream to have a MacBook. Not to praise with it, but due to its elegance and keyboard flow.

  What are your goals for next year?  

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